Rebalancing® is a combination of deep tissue massage, fascia massage, joint mobilization, breathing, and body awareness training. Through sensitive and deep massage of the connective tissue, the body can regain its balance. Our body speaks and we don’t always get the message - Learn what it's trying to say.
Connect to your emotions and your body and learn how to navigate disconnection
Calm your nervous system and decrease chronic stress
Release tension in the body and find ease from chronic pain
Understand the story of your body/your posture and become more self-aware and present
Boost your energy level and understand what is draining your energy
Release emotional overwhelm and feel more grounded
Work with the energy blockages in your body
The general approach of Rebalancing® is based on a 10-session series with a few weeks between each session. Each sitting is dedicated to a different topic and part of the body. Click here to find out more about the series.
Beyond that, each part from the series can stand for itself or can be adjusted to your needs that day, a so-called open session. A sitting is usually 90 min.
Depending on your needs it can make sense to do only a few specific sessions or to start with a discovery session.
I want to stay flexible: Open/ single session - 95 EUR
I want the full journey: 10-session series - 900 EUR /10 x 90 EUR
I offer slots and payment plans for people with low-income. Please contact me via Email.
This is a journey to come home to your body.
In 10 sessions, each dedicated to a different part of the body and its topic, you will get to know your body on a physical, emotional and/or energetic level.
​Session 1 – Opening to the breath: Focusing on the chest and diaphragm for deeper breathing.
Session 2 – Roots to grow: Feet and legs session for being more rooted in life and being in contact with our boundaries.
Session 3 – Left-Right Balance: Shoulders, rib cage, and hip muscles releasing session. About giving, receiving and finding the balance between the two.
Session 4 – Inner legs & Pelvic floor: Massage focusing on the inside leg muscles and the connections to the pelvis. ​
Session 5 – The Core: Abdominal massage with psoas relaxation. Learn to trust your gut feeling and let go of deep emotions.
Session 6 – Being Upright: The deep muscles of the back, backside, and legs. This session can release back pain with an experience of sincerity.
Session 7 – Dropping the mask: Focus on neck, head, and face. Encounter authenticity and reveal our true face.
Session 8-10 – Integration: The 3 last sessions are co-created. Summing up the stories of the body we deepen, refine and merge everything into wholeness.
If you have more questions about the series or want to book the 10 sessions, let's have a brief chat. I am looking forward to hear your story!
Every session starts with an intentional check-in talk where we talk about your needs, boundaries and what will happen in the session. Depending on the session, you are asked to partially unclothe. If you don’t feel comfortable doing so there is always space to voice it at the check-in or on the table where I will be actively checking in with you. The priority is always that you feel comfortable and safe. The panties stay on at all times.
After receiving touch we conclude again with checking in with your body. My personal approach is all about recognizing the "before and after" moments. By checking in with your body before and after receiving touch you will build your body awareness. For many people, this can be tricky! But after a few sessions, you will notice that your body perception will increase. ​We work on two vital levels: ​
body awareness: observing what I notice
and effective communication: voicing what I notice
Learning to recognize how your body feels before and after touch and gaining the ability to communicate your needs and boundaries will change the way you perceive your body beyond the treatment room.
Rebalancing, originating in the late 1970s at the Osho Commune in Poona, India, was developed by a group of therapists and experts from various disciplines. Drawing inspiration from practices such as Rolfing, Neo-Reichian Body Therapy, the Trager method, Alexander Technique, Postural Integration, Feldenkrais, and more, they crafted a new approach to bodywork. Central to this methodology is the infusion of awareness and meditativeness.
In Rebalancing, the two aspects of technique and meditation hold equal value. Unlike viewing the body as a mere mechanism requiring repair, Rebalancing perceives it as a gift. The objective is to achieve balance and integration throughout the entire system. This involves addressing aspects like the left and right sides, upper and lower sides, front and back, as well as the inner and outer dimensions—harmonizing both the being and the doing.
What is the difference between Rebalancing and a classical massage?In a nutshell: With a massage you can work on your shoulder tensions. With bodywork you can learn why the tensions are there in the first place. In Rebalancing, the focus lies on treating the entire individual rather than just addressing symptoms. Symptoms are viewed as guides and through bodywork we want to understand what the body is trying to say. The work is highly personalized, incorporating deep tissue work and joint release alongside additional elements like posture training, breathwork, or meditation as necessary.
How long does it take to see results?Since the connective tissue is highly flexible, discomforts may occasionally resolve after just one session.
Why do you recommend more than one session?Body posture and movement errors are often formed over many years and life events. While the balancing on a physical level can happen respectively quick (again: connective tissue is very flexible), it’s the movement and behavior patterns that people return to in their daily lives that sometimes need more work to bring back to balance. That's why it's not purely physical work but includes the mind, our emotions, our energy.
What exactly does the body store?The body stores all physical experiences and their attached emotions, for example traumas from injuries and operations. Under appropriate conditions, overwhelming incidents can be processed and reintegrated through the touch and the cultivation of body awareness.
How do I know if I should do an open session or the 10 Session Series?Here are two ways to find out which format suits you: 1. Book a free 15 min consultation call: Let's talk about your questions, your topics, your needs and I can give you input on how we can achieve your long term well-being goals. 2. Book a discovery session: Feel for yourself, whether the technique is for you! Afterward, you can decide if you continue in structured sessions, open sessions or look for a different technique.